About Us

The Whangamata Marina is New Zealands's second newest marina and one of only three on the popular Coromandel Peninsula catering for predominantly recreational vessels.
The Whangamata Marina is owned by the Whangamata Marina Society(Incorporated) and all berth owners are members of the Society. The Board of Management is elected by the members and the marina is operated by an employed manager who reports to the Chairman of the Board of Management.

Channel Depth to access the Marina is 1.5 meters at Lowest Astronomical tide (LAT)
In The Marina basin itself there are approximately 68 berths with 1.9 meters at LAT.
The remaining 141 berths have 1.5 meters at LAT
Channel Depth to access the Marina is 1.5 meters at Lowest Astronomical tide (LAT)

Area of water space occupied by the marina: 4 hectares
Number of berths: 209
Total cost: approx $18 million
Excavation in marina basin - 135,000cm
Dredge in harbour channel - 27,000cm
Total excavation - 162,000cm
On site disposal - 109,000cm
Off site disposal - 53,000cm
Rock armour to breakwaters and seal walls - 7,500cm
Breakwater length - 300 metres
Channel length - 800 metres
On shore facilities - 35 tonne travel lift
Boat cradles - 21
Car parks - 148
Trailer boat parks - 24
Fuel – diesel at the end of pier D
Electricity – Each berth is supplied with metered electricity supply provided by way of a pre-paid Talley Key card system
Facilities building - toilets, shower, laundry, lounge, management offices.